Tanay pfp

Tanay Joshi

UC Berkeley 2027

GPA: 4.4 W, 3.9 UW
SAT: 1480
Hey! My name is Tanay Joshi. I am a Sophomore at the University of California-Berkeley studying Computer Science and Cognitive Science. My mom's experience as a teacher has really helped me become passionate about education and helping guide students to achieve their academic goals. Apart from that, I love talking about anything related to technology, football, and basketball.
University Acceptances

Elected to city Teen Council for 1 year.

Elected to school Site Council for 4 years.

Elected as Senior Class Secretary.


Ronald Reagan Foundation Leadership Medal

School Leadership Award

Outstanding Delegate, UC Berkeley MUN

Services Provided

🎓 College App Strategy / Q&A

📝 Essay Editing

🏫 Choosing a College

📚 Tutoring

🗣️ General Advice for High School and College

📄 Pre-Professional Guidance (Resume/LinkedIn)

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