Popularity of AI Embedded Objects

New developments in the field of AI are happening everyday, but do we really need simple household objects with AI embedded?

Artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities are being incorporated into more and more everyday consumer products, from smart home appliances to wearable tech and more. This integration of AI aims to add advanced features and greater convenience. However, critics argue that sometimes the addition of AI is unnecessary and simply there for marketing appeal.  

A prime example is a "smart" pen by the company Nuvo that can transcribe handwritten notes and translate writing in real-time. While impressive technologically, the core functionality could be achieved through simpler, non-AI means like audio recording and language translation apps. 

Beyond pens, we see AI seamlessly added to things like refrigerators, toothbrushes, and other household goods. The AI allows for food tracking, brushing performance assessment, and more. But again, the core purpose is fulfilled without the AI, raising questions of its necessity.

Companies feel pressured to tout their AI capabilities to appear competitive and appeal to technophile consumers, even if the applications are frivolous. This leads to "AI-washing" - making dubious claims about a product's AI to generate hype. This leads the masses to ask a necessary question - is AI really necessary in these products, and if it is, how far have humans fallen? Of course, there are two sides of the argument, in some use cases AI geniunely helps, whereas in others it is just another way to optimize an already easy task. 

At the same time, there are certainly examples where embedded AI genuinely enhances a product's utility. For instance, AI assistants in cars for displaying critical information to drivers during risky conditions.

Discerning between valuable integration and gimmicky implementation is key as AI's presence grows. Companies must honestly evaluate it before including it in a product. And consumers should assess if added AI delivers meaningful functionality or just serves as a selling point. Thoughtful integration of AI where appropriate, not just for show, will yield the greatest innovation and value.